Infographic "Visualizing Development: Childhood Obesity Around the World"

The introductory text reads, Obesity now causes more deaths worldwide than malnutrition. Reductions are possible. A multifaceted prevention effort—including parents, preschools, pediatricians, and grocery stores— has reduced obesity among U. S. 2 to 5 year olds: Overall, the prevalence of obesity among adolescents (20.6 percent) and school aged children (18.4 percent) is higher than among preschool-aged children (13.9 percent) (Hales et al., 2017). However, obesity rates from age 6 to 60 remain high everywhere.

A color coded world map shows the prevalence of obesity among children around the world ranging from 5 year olds to 19 year olds. A map key to the bottom left is titled percentage of obese 5 to 19 year olds and shows 5 differently colored labels, no data; less than 10 percent; 10 to 15 percent; 15 to 20 percent; and over 20 percent.

The map shows the following data:

A subheading reads "Factors Contributing to Childhood Obesity, by the Numbers." An introductory text reads, Children’s exposure to televised ads for unhealthy food continues to correlate with childhood obesity (e.g., Hewer, 2014), but nations differ. For instance, in stark contrast with the United States, the United Kingdom has banned television advertising of foods high in fat, sugar, and salt to children under age 16. Parents can help by limiting screen time and playing outside with their children. The community matters as well: When neighborhoods have no safe places to play, rates of obesity soar.

An infographic shows several factors that contribute to obesity. The center of the graphic has an illustration of a fast food hamburger, French fries, and a soda. Eight different factors surround the illustration, each connected to it by a dotted line. The factors are as follows.