Revising a thesis

As you write: Revising a thesis

Review the advice and examples in section 1c for drafting and revising thesis statements. Exchange drafts with a classmate and put each other’s working thesis to the “So what?” test. Then use the problem/strategy approach to evaluate each other’s thesis. Discuss how each of you might go about revising your thesis. What do you learn about your working thesis statement from this discussion? Write a response below. Think about what single piece of advice might help you revise and strengthen your thesis. Then revise your working thesis in the space below.

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Review the advice and examples in section 1c for drafting and revising thesis statements. Exchange drafts with a classmate and put each other’s working thesis to the “So what?” test. Then use the problem/strategy approach to evaluate each other’s thesis. Discuss how each of you might go about revising your thesis. What do you learn about your working thesis statement from this discussion? Write a response below. Think about what single piece of advice might help you revise and strengthen your thesis. Then revise your working thesis in the space below.