6k. Sample student writing: Argument

6kSample student writing: Argument.

In the following paper, student writer Sam Jacobs argues that the shift from print to online news benefits readers by providing them with new opportunities to produce news and to think more critically as consumers of news. Notice how he appeals to his readers by presenting opposing views fairly before providing his own arguments.

In writing the paper, Jacobs consulted both print and online sources. When he quotes, summarizes, or paraphrases information from a source, he cites the source with an MLA (Modern Language Association) in-text citation. Citations in the paper refer readers to the list of works cited at the end of the paper. (For more details about citing sources, see 54.)

For a guide to writing an argument essay, see the next page.


  • Academic reading and writing > Model papers > Jacobs, “From Lecture to Conversation: Redefining What’s ‘Fit to Print’” (argument)