EXERCISE 11–5 Mixed constructions
EXERCISE 11–5Mixed constructions
Edit each sentence to untangle any mixed constructions. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time.
A prolonged strike could easily turn Los Angeles into a recession.
Suggested revision: A prolonged strike could easily cause a recession in Los Angeles. For more help, see section 11.
EXERCISE 11–5 Mixed constructions - Edit each sentence to untangle any mixed constructions. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - A prolonged strike could easily turn Los Angeles into a recession.
For people who are housebound or bedridden may have their meals delivered by a community service organization.
Suggested revision: People who are housebound or bedridden may have their meals delivered by a community service organization. For more help, see section 11.
EXERCISE 11–5 Mixed constructions - Edit each sentence to untangle any mixed constructions. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - For people who are housebound or bedridden may have their meals delivered by a community service organization.
The reason my grandfather takes only half a dose of his medication is because he can’t afford to fill the prescription regularly.
Suggested revision: My grandfather takes only half a dose of his medication because he can’t afford to fill the prescription regularly.orThe reason my grandfather takes only half a dose of his medication is that he can’t afford to fill the prescription regularly. For more help, see section 11.
EXERCISE 11–5 Mixed constructions - Edit each sentence to untangle any mixed constructions. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - The reason my grandfather takes only half a dose of his medication is because he can’t afford to fill the prescription regularly.
After a week of training, a soldier named Barnes and my name were called to go with the First Infantry Division.
Suggested revision: After a week of training, a soldier named Barnes and I were called to go with the First Infantry Division. For more help, see section 11.
EXERCISE 11–5 Mixed constructions - Edit each sentence to untangle any mixed constructions. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - After a week of training, a soldier named Barnes and my name were called to go with the First Infantry Division.
By winning 90 percent of the precincts in the western counties helped the young lawyer defeat the incumbent.
Suggested revision: Winning 90 percent of the precincts in the western counties helped the young lawyer defeat the incumbent.orBy winning 90 percent of the precincts in the western counties, the young lawyer defeated the incumbent. For more help, see section 11.
EXERCISE 11–5 Mixed constructions - Edit each sentence to untangle any mixed constructions. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - By winning 90 percent of the precincts in the western counties helped the young lawyer defeat the incumbent.
From his great-grandmother, who had emigrated from Ireland, left him a small ceramic music box with a tiny harp on top.
Suggested revision: His great-grandmother, who had emigrated from Ireland, left him a small ceramic music box with a tiny harp on top. For more help, see section 11.
EXERCISE 11–5 Mixed constructions - Edit each sentence to untangle any mixed constructions. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - From his great-grandmother, who had emigrated from Ireland, left him a small ceramic music box with a tiny harp on top.
When the temperatures drop below freezing can be devastating to the orange crop.
Suggested revision: Temperatures below freezing can be devastating to the orange crop.orWhen the temperatures drop below freezing, the orange crop can be devastated. For more help, see section 11.
EXERCISE 11–5 Mixed constructions - Edit each sentence to untangle any mixed constructions. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - When the temperatures drop below freezing can be devastating to the orange crop.
In the United States, the cost of prescription drugs is extremely expensive.
Suggested revision: In the United States, prescription drugs are extremely expensive. For more help, see section 11.
EXERCISE 11–5 Mixed constructions - Edit each sentence to untangle any mixed constructions. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - In the United States, the cost of prescription drugs is extremely expensive.
Although school vacations might originally have been scheduled to allow students to help harvest crops, but most children today don’t live on farms.
Suggested revision: Although school vacations might originally have been scheduled to allow students to help harvest crops, most children today don’t live on farms.orSchool vacations might originally have been scheduled to allow students to help harvest crops, but most children today don’t live on farms. For more help, see section 11.
EXERCISE 11–5 Mixed constructions - Edit each sentence to untangle any mixed constructions. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - Although school vacations might originally have been scheduled to allow students to help harvest crops, but most children today don’t live on farms.
A stalemate in chess is when one player has no legal moves remaining.
Suggested revision: A stalemate in chess occurs when one player has no legal moves remaining. For more help, see section 11.
EXERCISE 11–5 Mixed constructions - Edit each sentence to untangle any mixed constructions. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - A stalemate in chess is when one player has no legal moves remaining.