EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words

EXERCISE 18–4Misused words

Click on the word in the parentheses that is used correctly. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

1 of 10

Subtly, Jason (inferred / implied) that those of us who did not support his proposal might soon be looking for other jobs.


EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 1 of 10: Subtly, Jason (inferred / implied) that those of us who did not support his proposal might soon be looking for other jobs.

2 of 10

Those who believe that books written for children are all sweetness and light are suffering from an (allusion / illusion).


EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 2 of 10: Those who believe that books written for children are all sweetness and light are suffering from an (allusion / illusion).

3 of 10

In general, the Internet has had a positive (affect / effect) on our society.


EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 3 of 10: In general, the Internet has had a positive (affect / effect) on our society.

4 of 10

It is sometimes difficult to hear in church because the (acoustics / agnostics) are so terrible.


EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 4 of 10: It is sometimes difficult to hear in church because the (acoustics / agnostics) are so terrible.

5 of 10

The (significance / significant) of my decision became clear in July 1996.


EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 5 of 10: The (significance / significant) of my decision became clear in July 1996.

6 of 10

The bright, airy rooms at the hotel had obviously been designed by someone with a keen (aesthetic / ascetic) sense.


EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 6 of 10: The bright, airy rooms at the hotel had obviously been designed by someone with a keen (aesthetic / ascetic) sense.

7 of 10

The boy was (conscience / conscious) when the ambulance arrived because the lifeguard had revived him.


EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 7 of 10: The boy was (conscience / conscious) when the ambulance arrived because the lifeguard had revived him.

8 of 10

Tyrone had a (presumptuous / presumptive) attitude.


EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 8 of 10: Tyrone had a (presumptuous / presumptive) attitude.

9 of 10

We had all heard rumors about the new supervisor, but none of them were (credible / credulous).


EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 9 of 10: We had all heard rumors about the new supervisor, but none of them were (credible / credulous).

10 of 10

The (epigraph / epitaph) on William Butler Yeats’s tombstone reads, “Cast a cold Eye / On Life, on Death. / Horseman, pass by!”


EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 10 of 10: The (epigraph / epitaph) on William Butler Yeats’s tombstone reads, “Cast a cold Eye / On Life, on Death. / Horseman, pass by!”