EXERCISE 21–2Subject-verb agreement
In the box below, indicate the subject (or compound subject) of each sentence in the this paragraph along with the correct verb from the choices in parentheses. (If you have trouble identifying the subject, see 47a.) Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook You can also review your response at any time.
Loggerhead sea turtles (migrate / migrates) thousands of miles before returning to their nesting location every two to three years. The nesting season for loggerhead turtles (span / spans) the hottest months of the summer. Although the habitat of Atlantic loggerheads (range / ranges) from Newfoundland to Argentina, nesting for these turtles (take / takes) place primarily along the southeastern coast of the United States. Female turtles that have reached sexual maturity (crawl / crawls) ashore at night to lay their eggs. The cavity that serves as a nest for the eggs (is / are) dug out with the female’s strong flippers. Deposited into each nest (is / are) anywhere from fifty to two hundred spherical eggs, also known as a clutch. After a two-month incubation period, all eggs in the clutch (begin / begins) to hatch, and within a few days the young turtles attempt to make their way into the ocean. A major cause of the loggerhead’s decreasing numbers (is / are) natural predators such as raccoons, birds, and crabs. Beach erosion and coastal development also (threaten / threatens) the turtles’ survival. For example, a crowd of curious humans or lights from beachfront residences (is / are) enough to make the female abandon her nesting plans and return to the ocean. Since only one in one thousand loggerheads survives to adulthood, special care should be taken to protect this threatened species.
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