EXERCISE 24–2 Pronoun case (such as I vs. me)

EXERCISE 24–2Pronoun case (such as I vs. me)

In the box below, type the correct pronoun from the choices in each set of parentheses. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time.

We may blame television for the number of products based on characters in children’s TV shows—from Big Bird to SpongeBob—but in fact merchandising that capitalizes on a character’s popularity started long before television. Raggedy Ann began as a child’s rag doll, and a few years later books about (she / her) and her brother, Raggedy Andy, were published. A cartoonist named Johnny Gruelle painted a cloth face on a family doll and applied for a patent in 1915. Later Gruelle began writing and illustrating stories about Raggedy Ann, and in 1918 (he / him) and a publisher teamed up to publish the books and sell the dolls. He was not the only one to try to sell products linked to children’s stories. Beatrix Potter published the first of many Peter Rabbit picture books in 1902, and no one was better than (she / her) at making a living from spin-offs. After Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny became popular, Potter began putting pictures of (they / them) and their little animal friends on merchandise. Potter had fans all over the world, and she understood (them / their) wanting to see Peter Rabbit not only in books but also on teapots and plates and lamps and other furnishings for the nursery. Potter and Gruelle, like countless others before and since, knew that entertaining children could be a profitable business.

Possible revision:

Correct pronouns: her, he, she, them, their
EXERCISE 24–2 Pronoun case (such as I vs. me) - In the box below, type the correct pronoun from the choices in each set of parentheses. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. -