EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives

EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives

Select the correct verb form in each sentence. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

1 of 10

He put off seeing a doctor and tried to avoid (to think / thinking) about his illness.


EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives - 1 of 10: He put off seeing a doctor and tried to avoid (to think / thinking) about his illness.

2 of 10

My father helped me (complete / completing) my tax return.


EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives - 2 of 10: My father helped me (complete / completing) my tax return.

3 of 10

We encouraged Frank to write back to us, but we did not expect him (responding / to respond) so quickly.


EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives - 3 of 10: We encouraged Frank to write back to us, but we did not expect him (responding / to respond) so quickly.

4 of 10

They could not imagine (living / to live) without electricity, but they rented the remote cabin for their vacation anyway.


EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives - 4 of 10: They could not imagine (living / to live) without electricity, but they rented the remote cabin for their vacation anyway.

5 of 10

Anamaria claimed (to have / having) a degree in business, but she always had trouble balancing her checkbook.


EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives - 5 of 10: Anamaria claimed (to have / having) a degree in business, but she always had trouble balancing her checkbook.

6 of 10

Francine’s lawyer offered (settling / to settle) the dispute privately, but Francine decided to take the matter to court.


EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives - 6 of 10: Francine’s lawyer offered (settling / to settle) the dispute privately, but Francine decided to take the matter to court.

7 of 10

Jerome appreciated (receiving / to receive) all those messages but postponed responding until he had more time.


EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives - 7 of 10: Jerome appreciated (receiving / to receive) all those messages but postponed responding until he had more time.

8 of 10

Rita wanted Samuel to notice her, but he pretended not (to see / seeing) her and looked the other way.


EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives - 8 of 10: Rita wanted Samuel to notice her, but he pretended not (to see / seeing) her and looked the other way.

9 of 10

He admitted (to copy / copying) his essay from a book and promised to write a letter of apology to the dean.


EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives - 9 of 10: He admitted (to copy / copying) his essay from a book and promised to write a letter of apology to the dean.

10 of 10

Andrea recalled (seeing / to see) the tennis pro once, but she could not remember his name.


EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives - 10 of 10: Andrea recalled (seeing / to see) the tennis pro once, but she could not remember his name.