EXERCISE 30–12 Using cumulative adjectives

EXERCISE 30–12Using cumulative adjectives

Click on the word group in which the modifiers and nouns are given in the proper order. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

1 of 10


EXERCISE 30–12 Using cumulative adjectives - 1 of 10: Click on the word group in which the modifiers and nouns are given in the proper order. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

2 of 10


EXERCISE 30–12 Using cumulative adjectives - 2 of 10: Click on the word group in which the modifiers and nouns are given in the proper order. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

3 of 10


EXERCISE 30–12 Using cumulative adjectives - 3 of 10: Click on the word group in which the modifiers and nouns are given in the proper order. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

4 of 10


EXERCISE 30–12 Using cumulative adjectives - 4 of 10: Click on the word group in which the modifiers and nouns are given in the proper order. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

5 of 10


EXERCISE 30–12 Using cumulative adjectives - 5 of 10: Click on the word group in which the modifiers and nouns are given in the proper order. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

6 of 10


EXERCISE 30–12 Using cumulative adjectives - 6 of 10: Click on the word group in which the modifiers and nouns are given in the proper order. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

7 of 10


EXERCISE 30–12 Using cumulative adjectives - 7 of 10: Click on the word group in which the modifiers and nouns are given in the proper order. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

8 of 10


EXERCISE 30–12 Using cumulative adjectives - 8 of 10: Click on the word group in which the modifiers and nouns are given in the proper order. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

9 of 10


EXERCISE 30–12 Using cumulative adjectives - 9 of 10: Click on the word group in which the modifiers and nouns are given in the proper order. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

10 of 10


EXERCISE 30–12 Using cumulative adjectives - 10 of 10: Click on the word group in which the modifiers and nouns are given in the proper order. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.