EXERCISE 34–1 The semicolon and the comma
EXERCISE 34–1 The semicolon and the comma
Add commas or semicolons where needed in the following well-known quotations. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time.
Do not ask me to be kind just ask me to act as though I were. —Jules Renard
Suggested revision: Do not ask me to be kind; just ask me to act as though I were.
EXERCISE 34–1 The semicolon and the comma - Add commas or semicolons where needed in the following well-known quotations. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - Do not ask me to be kind just ask me to act as though I were. —Jules Renard
When men talk about defense they always claim to be protecting women and children but they never ask the women and children what they think. —Pat Schroeder
Suggested revision: When men talk about defense, they always claim to be protecting women and children, but they never ask the women and children what they think.
EXERCISE 34–1 The semicolon and the comma - Add commas or semicolons where needed in the following well-known quotations. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - When men talk about defense they always claim to be protecting women and children but they never ask the women and children what they think. —Pat Schroeder
When I get a little money I buy books if any is left I buy food and clothes. —Desiderius Erasmus
Suggested revision: When I get a little money, I buy books; if any is left, I buy food and clothes.
EXERCISE 34–1 The semicolon and the comma - Add commas or semicolons where needed in the following well-known quotations. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - When I get a little money I buy books if any is left I buy food and clothes. —Desiderius Erasmus
America is a country that doesn’t know where it is going but is determined to set a speed record getting there. —Lawrence J. Peter
Suggested revision: Correct
EXERCISE 34–1 The semicolon and the comma - Add commas or semicolons where needed in the following well-known quotations. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - America is a country that doesn’t know where it is going but is determined to set a speed record getting there. —Lawrence J. Peter
Wit has truth in it wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words. —Dorothy Parker
Suggested revision: Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words.
EXERCISE 34–1 The semicolon and the comma - Add commas or semicolons where needed in the following well-known quotations. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - Wit has truth in it wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words. —Dorothy Parker