EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe

EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe

Select the correct word in the parentheses. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

1 of 10

After a tutoring program was instituted at City College, our chemistry (student’s / students’) test scores rose dramatically.


EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe - 1 of 10: After a tutoring program was instituted at City College, our chemistry (student’s / students’) test scores rose dramatically.

2 of 10

The puppy’s favorite activity was chasing (its / it’s) tail.


EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe - 2 of 10: The puppy’s favorite activity was chasing (its / it’s) tail.

3 of 10

After we bought Jon the latest style pants and shirts, he decided that last (years / year’s) faded, ragged jeans were perfect for all occasions.


EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe - 3 of 10: After we bought Jon the latest style pants and shirts, he decided that last (years / year’s) faded, ragged jeans were perfect for all occasions.

4 of 10

Booties were placed on the sled (dog’s / dogs’) feet to protect them from sharp rocks and ice. [There is more than one dog.]


EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe - 4 of 10: Booties were placed on the sled (dog’s / dogs’) feet to protect them from sharp rocks and ice. [There is more than one dog.]

5 of 10

Sue and Ann went to a party for a friend of (theirs / their’s).


EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe - 5 of 10: Sue and Ann went to a party for a friend of (theirs / their’s).

6 of 10

A (crocodile’s / crocodiles’) life span is about thirteen years.


EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe - 6 of 10: A (crocodile’s / crocodiles’) life span is about thirteen years.

7 of 10

(Its / It’s) not surprising that Jack’s painting won first prize.


EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe - 7 of 10: (Its / It’s) not surprising that Jack’s painting won first prize.

8 of 10

Almost 90 percent of a patrol (officers / officer’s) job is running service calls.


EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe - 8 of 10: Almost 90 percent of a patrol (officers / officer’s) job is running service calls.

9 of 10

In the military you will be lucky to acquire a skill (thats / that’s) marketable in the civilian world.


EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe - 9 of 10: In the military you will be lucky to acquire a skill (thats / that’s) marketable in the civilian world.

10 of 10

Each day’s menu features a different European (country’s / countries) cuisine.


EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe - 10 of 10: Each day’s menu features a different European (country’s / countries) cuisine.