EXERCISE 44–1 The hyphen

EXERCISE 44–1 The hyphen

Edit the following sentences to correct errors in hyphenation. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time.

1 of 5

Gold is the seventy-ninth element in the periodic table.

Possible revision:

Answer: Correct
EXERCISE 44–1 The hyphen - Edit the following sentences to correct errors in hyphenation. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - Gold is the seventy-ninth element in the periodic table.

2 of 5

The swiftly-moving tugboat pulled alongside the barge and directed it away from the oil spill in the harbor.

Possible revision:

Answer: The swiftly moving tugboat pulled alongside the barge and directed it away from the oil spill in the harbor.
EXERCISE 44–1 The hyphen - Edit the following sentences to correct errors in hyphenation. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - The swiftly-moving tugboat pulled alongside the barge and directed it away from the oil spill in the harbor.

3 of 5

The Moche were a pre-Columbian people who established a sophisticated culture in ancient Peru.

Possible revision:

Answer: Correct
EXERCISE 44–1 The hyphen - Edit the following sentences to correct errors in hyphenation. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - The Moche were a pre-Columbian people who established a sophisticated culture in ancient Peru.

4 of 5

Your dog is well-known in our neighborhood.

Possible revision:

Answer: Your dog is well known in our neighborhood.
EXERCISE 44–1 The hyphen - Edit the following sentences to correct errors in hyphenation. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - Your dog is well-known in our neighborhood.

5 of 5

Road-blocks were set up along all the major highways leading out of the city.

Possible revision:

Answer: Roadblocks were set up along all the major highways leading out of the city.
EXERCISE 44–1 The hyphen - Edit the following sentences to correct errors in hyphenation. If a sentence is correct, write “correct” after it. Type your answers in the boxes below. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time. - Road-blocks were set up along all the major highways leading out of the city.

  • Mechanics > Exercises: 44–2 and 44–3