EXERCISE 46–13 Parts of speech: adjectives and adverbs
In the box below each sentence, list the adjectives and adverbs in the sentence. If a word is a noun or pronoun functioning as an adjective, list it and mark it as a noun/adjective or pronoun/adjective. Also treat the articles a, an, and the as adjectives. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to record your activity in your instructor's gradebook. You can also review your response at any time.
1 of 5
Generalizations lead to weak, unfocused essays.
Possible revision:
2 of 5
The Spanish language is wonderfully flexible.
Possible revision:
3 of 5
The wildflowers smelled especially fragrant after the steady rain.
Possible revision:
4 of 5
I’d rather be slightly hot than bitterly cold.
Possible revision:
5 of 5
The cat slept soundly in its wicker basket.
Possible revision: