EXERCISE 47–7 Subject complements and direct objects

EXERCISE 47–7 Subject complements and direct objects

For each sentence, identify the underlined phrase as a subject complement or a direct object. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

1 of 5

Solar flares emit UV radiation.


EXERCISE 47–7 Subject complements and direct objects - 1 of 5: Solar flares emit UV radiation.

2 of 5

The friends’ quarrel was damaging their relationship.


EXERCISE 47–7 Subject complements and direct objects - 2 of 5: The friends’ quarrel was damaging their relationship.

3 of 5

Feng shui is the practice of achieving harmony between the physical and the spiritual in one’s environment.


EXERCISE 47–7 Subject complements and direct objects - 3 of 5: Feng shui is the practice of achieving harmony between the physical and the spiritual in one’s environment.

4 of 5

A well-made advertisement captures viewers’ attention.


EXERCISE 47–7 Subject complements and direct objects - 4 of 5: A well-made advertisement captures viewers’ attention.

5 of 5

The island’s climate was neither too hot nor too rainy.


EXERCISE 47–7 Subject complements and direct objects - 5 of 5: The island’s climate was neither too hot nor too rainy.