53e. Drafting the paper in an appropriate voice

53eDraft the paper in an appropriate voice.

A chatty, breezy voice is usually not appropriate in a research paper, but neither is a stuffy, pretentious style or a timid, unsure one.

too chatty

What’s up with companies snooping around when their em-ployees are surfing the Net? Employers who constantly spy on their workers’ Internet habits are messing with people’s rights.

more formal

Although companies often have legitimate concerns that lead them to monitor employees’ Internet usage, the benefits of electronic surveillance are outweighed by its costs to employees’ privacy and autonomy.

too stuffy

It has been concluded that an evident majority of companies undertake the monitoring of employees’ utilization of the Internet.

more direct

A recent study found that 76% of companies monitor employees’ Internet use.

too timid

I may not be an expert, but it seems to me that monitoring online activities maybe has the unintended effect of making employees resentful.

more authoritative

Monitoring online activities can have the unintended effect of making employees resentful.