Writing a working thesis for a research paper

As you write: Writing a working thesis for a research paper

Exchange your research question and working thesis with a classmate. Focus your feedback on questions such as these: Does the working thesis answer the research question? Is it a debatable claim—in other words, might some readers disagree with you? Does it answer a reader’s “So what?” question? (See also “Putting your working thesis to the ‘So what?’ test” in section 1c.) Using your classmate’s feedback, revise your thesis in the space below.

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Exchange your research question and working thesis with a classmate. Focus your feedback on questions such as these: Does the working thesis answer the research question? Is it a debatable claim—in other words, might some readers disagree with you? Does it answer a reader’s “So what?” question? (See also “Putting your working thesis to the ‘So what?’ test” in section 1c.) Using your classmate’s feedback, revise your thesis in the space below.