EXERCISE 54–3 Avoiding plagiarism in MLA papers
Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide whether each student sample is plagiarized or uses the source correctly. If the student sample is plagiarized, click on Plagiarized; if the sample is acceptable, click on OK. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.
Apart from the fact that music accounts for much of the power of Hindi movies, creating a heightened mood that dialogue can rarely achieve, the film song spreads out from cinema to permeate many other areas of Indian society. Even before the advent of cheap audiocassettes, in the days when record players were rare and expensive, film songs achieved far-reaching popularity through street singers and wedding bands, which often played film hits rather than folk or traditional tunes. And the songs, with their inventive Hindi/Urdu lyrics (often written by celebrated poets), have long been a bonding force in the Indian diaspora, re-creating a familiar world of images and emotions and linking millions of people to their homeland.
From Kabir, Nasreen Munni. “Playback Time: A Brief History of Bollywood ‘Film Songs.’ ” Film Comment May-June 2002: 41-43. Print.
[The source passage is from page 41.]
1 of 10
In India, film music creates a heightened mood that accounts for a great deal of the power of Hindi movies, writes Nasreen Munni Kabir (41).
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2 of 10
Nasreen Munni Kabir argues that the film songs disseminate from the movies to pervade several other aspects of Indian life (41).
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3 of 10
Nasreen Munni Kabir notes that the songs in Hindi movies became widely popular even when few Indians owned recordings (41).
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4 of 10
As Nasreen Munni Kabir explains, Hindi film songs managed to reach a broad audience “before the advent of cheap audiocassettes, in the days when record players were rare and expensive” (41).
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5 of 10
Street singers and wedding performers helped film songs achieve a far-reaching popularity, according to Nasreen Munni Kabir (41).
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6 of 10
Nasreen Munni Kabir points out that Hindi film songs not only contribute significantly to the effectiveness of the films in which they appear but also attract a worldwide audience of Indians who use them to reconnect to their roots and their community (41).
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7 of 10
In Hindi films, the songs have inventive Hindi/Urdu lyrics that are often written by celebrated poets.
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8 of 10
According to Nasreen Munni Kabir, music in Hindi films pervades the culture both in India and abroad as it presents “a familiar world of images and emotions” (41).
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9 of 10
Hindi film songs have long re-created a familiar world of images and emotions to link millions of Indians to their homeland.
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10 of 10
Nasreen Munni Kabir believes that the beloved songs in Indian films have been “a bonding force in the Indian diaspora” (41).
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