EXERCISE 61–5 APA documentation: reference list
Choose the APA reference list entry that is handled correctly. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.
1 of 10
The student has included material from a book, Water Wars: Drought, Flood, Folly, and the Politics of Thirst, by Diane Raines Ward. It was published in New York by Riverhead Books in 2002.
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B. |
2 of 10
The student has paraphrased material from a book, Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World’s Water, by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke. It was published in 2003 in New York by New Press.
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B. |
3 of 10
The student has cited an article, “Survival of Fishes after Impingement on Traveling Screens at Hudson River Power Plants,” by Paul H. Muessig, Jay B. Hutchinson, Jr., Lawrence R. King, Rebecca J. Ligotino, and Martin Daley. The article appears in the book Science, Law, and Hudson River Power Plants, edited by Lawrence W. Barnthouse, Ronald J. Klauda, Douglas S. Vaughan, and Robert L. Kendall. The book was published in Bethesda, Maryland, by American Fisheries Society in 1998.
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B. |
4 of 10
The student has summarized material from an article, “Drought Settles in, Lake Shrinks, and West’s Worries Grow,” by Kirk Johnson and Dean E. Murphy. The article appears on pages 1 and 33 of the May 2, 2004, issue of The New York Times.
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B. |
5 of 10
The student has quoted from a book, Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit, by Vandana Shiva. It was published in 2002 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by South End Press. The paper cites another book by Shiva from the same year, Protect or Plunder? Understanding Intellectual Property Rights.
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B. |
6 of 10
The paper cites an article, “Tales of the Undammed,” by Edna Francisco. It appears on pages 235-237 of the April 10, 2004, edition of the magazine Science News (volume 165, no. 15). The magazine is paginated continuously throughout the volume.
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B. |
7 of 10
The paper cites an article, “Not a Drop to Drink,” by Suzy Hansen, from the online magazine Salon.com (home page http://www.salon.com/). The article is dated August 28, 2002, and is at the URL http://dir.salon.com/story/books/int/2002/08/28/ward/index.html.
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B. |
8 of 10
The paper includes material from an article titled “Water: An Imminent Global Crisis,” written by Fred Pearce and published in the periodical Geographical in 2004 (volume 76, issue 8) on pages 34-36. The writer accessed the article using the InfoTrac database (article number A120128508). The writer also found the Geographical home page at http://www.geographical.co.uk/.
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B. |
9 of 10
The paper cites a review of the book Water Wars: Drought, Flood, Folly, and the Politics of Thirst, by Diane Raines Ward. The review, titled “Over the Dam,” was written by Ann Finkbeiner on October 27, 2002. The writer retrieved the article on the Web site of The New York Times, http://nytimes.com/.
A. |
B. |
10 of 10
The paper includes a quotation from an e-mail message sent to the writer by Diane Raines Ward. It was received on May 23, 2004.
A. |
B. |