EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources

EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources

Answer each question using information in the source provided. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

1 of 10

SOURCE: An edition other than the first


Source: Title page and copyright page from John R. Anderson, Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications, W. H. Freeman and Company, 2005. Reprinted by permission.

How would you begin an APA reference list entry for this source?


EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources - 1 of 10: How would you begin an APA reference list entry for this source?

2 of 10

SOURCE: An edition other than the first


Source: Title page and copyright page from John R. Anderson, Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications, W. H. Freeman and Company, 2005. Reprinted by permission.

How would you cite the title and publisher for this source in an APA reference list entry?


EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources - 2 of 10: How would you cite the title and publisher for this source in an APA reference list entry?

3 of 10

SOURCE: A chapter in an edited book


Source: Title page and first page of “The Art of the Ponytail” by Akkida McDowell in Body Outlaws: Rewriting Rules of Beauty and Body Image. Ed. Ophira Edut. Copyright © 2003. Reprinted by permission of Seal Press, a member of the Perseus Books Group.

You have used the chapter on the right from the collection whose title page is on the left. What information would come first in your APA reference list entry?


EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources - 3 of 10: You have used the chapter on the right from the collection whose title page is on the left. What information would come first in your APA reference list entry?

4 of 10

SOURCE: A chapter in an edited book


Source: Title page and first page of “The Art of the Ponytail” by Akkida McDowell in Body Outlaws: Rewriting Rules of Beauty and Body Image. Ed. Ophira Edut. Copyright © 2003. Reprinted by permission of Seal Press, a member of the Perseus Books Group.

What is the correct APA reference list entry for this source? The book was published in Emeryville, California, in 2003; the chapter begins on page 124 and ends on page 132.


EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources - 4 of 10: What is the correct APA reference list entry for this source? The book was published in Emeryville, California, in 2003; the chapter begins on page 124 and ends on page 132.

5 of 10

SOURCE: An article from a database


Source: Courtesy of Southern Cultures and the University of North Carolina Press, and Project MUSE, The Johns Hopkins University Press.

How would you begin an APA reference list entry for this article from a database?


EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources - 5 of 10: How would you begin an APA reference list entry for this article from a database?

6 of 10

SOURCE: An article from a database


Source: Courtesy of Southern Cultures and the University of North Carolina Press, and Project MUSE, The Johns Hopkins University Press.

How would you cite the publication information for the periodical in this database record? (Each issue of the volume begins on page 1.)


EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources - 6 of 10: How would you cite the publication information for the periodical in this database record? (Each issue of the volume begins on page 1.)

7 of 10

SOURCE: An article from a database


Source: Courtesy of Southern Cultures and the University of North Carolina Press, and Project MUSE, The Johns Hopkins University Press.

How would you end the reference list entry for this source?


EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources - 7 of 10: How would you end the reference list entry for this source?

8 of 10

Source: A document from a Web site


Source: Screenshot of The Brown Center Chalkboard. Courtesy of Brookings Institution’s Brown Center on Education Policy and author Tom Loveless. Photo: Reuters/Jim Young.

What is the correct APA reference list entry for this blog post on a Web site?


EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources - 8 of 10: What is the correct APA reference list entry for this blog post on a Web site?

9 of 10

SOURCE: An article in a magazine


Source: Table of contents and first page of Marguerite Holloway, “When Medicine Meets Literature.” From Scientific American, Vol. 292 No. 5, May 2005. Reprinted by permission.

How would you cite the title of this article in an APA reference list entry?


EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources - 9 of 10: How would you cite the title of this article in an APA reference list entry?

10 of 10

SOURCE: An article in a magazine


Source: Table of contents and first page of Marguerite Holloway, “When Medicine Meets Literature.” From Scientific American, Vol. 292 No. 5, May 2005. Reprinted by permission.

What is the correct APA reference list entry for this source? (The article appears on pages 38 and 39 in the magazine.)


EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources - 10 of 10: What is the correct APA reference list entry for this source? (The article appears on pages 38 and 39 in the magazine.)