EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources

EXERCISE 63–12Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources

Answer each question using information in the source provided. Click Save to save your work and return to it. Click Submit to see your score and item-by-item explanations; your activity will be recorded in your instructor's gradebook.

1 of 10

SOURCE: An article from a periodical


Source: Title page and first page of Naomi Lamoreaux, Daniel Raff, and Peter Temin, “Beyond Markets and Hierarchies.” From The American Historical Review, Vol. 108 No 2, April 2003. Reprinted by permission.

How would you begin a Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source?


EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 1 of 10: How would you begin a Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source?

2 of 10

SOURCE: An article from a periodical


Source: Title page and first page of Naomi Lamoreaux, Daniel Raff, and Peter Temin, “Beyond Markets and Hierarchies.” From The American Historical Review, Vol. 108 No 2, April 2003. Reprinted by permission.

How would you cite the publication information for this article in a Chicago-style bibliography entry? The article begins on page 404 and ends on page 433.


EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 2 of 10: How would you cite the publication information for this article in a Chicago-style bibliography entry? The article begins on page 404 and ends on page 433.

3 of 10

SOURCE: A multivolume work


Source: Title page and copyright page of Martin Bernal, Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, Vol. 1, Rutgers University Press, 1987. Reprinted by permission.

How would you prepare a Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source?


EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 3 of 10: How would you prepare a Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source?

4 of 10

SOURCE: An article from a database


Source: From na. Gale Expanded Academic ASAP InfoTrac. Copyright © 2013, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission. www.cengage.com/permissions.

How would you cite the publication information for the periodical in this database record?


EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 4 of 10: How would you cite the publication information for the periodical in this database record?

5 of 10

SOURCE: An article from a database


Source: From na. Gale Expanded Academic ASAP InfoTrac. Copyright © 2013, a part of Cengage Learning, Inc. Reproduced by permission. www.cengage.com/permissions.

What information would you place at the end of the entry, after the page number?


EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 5 of 10: What information would you place at the end of the entry, after the page number?

6 of 10

SOURCE: A translated work



How would you begin a Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source?


EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 6 of 10: How would you begin a Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source?

7 of 10

SOURCE: A book review published in an online magazine


Source: From The New York Review of Books. Copyright © 2013 NYREV Inc. Photo: Douglas Smith, reproduced by permission.

How would you begin a Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source?


EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 7 of 10: How would you begin a Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source?

8 of 10

SOURCE: A book review published in an online magazine


Source: From The New York Review of Books. Copyright © 2013 NYREV Inc. Photo: Douglas Smith, reproduced by permission.

How would you cite the publication information for this source in a Chicago-style bibliography entry? (Page references are not included because the source is not paginated online.)


EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 8 of 10: How would you cite the publication information for this source in a Chicago-style bibliography entry? (Page references are not included because the source is not paginated online.)

9 of 10

SOURCE: Short document from a Web site


Source: Screenshot of Williamsburg and James Madison. The Library of Congress. American Memory.

Whom would you cite as the sponsor of this source in a Chicago-style bibliography entry?


EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 9 of 10: Whom would you cite as the sponsor of this source in a Chicago-style bibliography entry?

10 of 10

SOURCE: Short document from a Web site


Source: Screenshot of Williamsburg and James Madison. The Library of Congress. American Memory.

What is the correct Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source? (The site does not give an update date; the student accessed the site on April 3, 2013.)


EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 10 of 10: What is the correct Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source? (The site does not give an update date; the student accessed the site on April 3, 2013.)