EXERCISE 63–17 Chicago documentation: bibliography

EXERCISE 63–17Chicago documentation: bibliography

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1 of 10

The student has quoted from an article appearing on page A36 of the December 7, 2008, New York Times titled “Report Debunks Theory That the US Heard a Coded Warning about Pearl Harbor” by Sam Roberts.


EXERCISE 63–17 Chicago documentation: bibliography - 1 of 10: The student has quoted from an article appearing on page A36 of the December 7, 2008, New York Times titled “Report Debunks Theory That the US Heard a Coded Warning about Pearl Harbor” by Sam Roberts.

2 of 10

The student has summarized material from an essay, “Pearl Harbor as an Intelligence Failure,” written by David Kahn and printed on pages 158-96 of the book Pearl Harbor and the Coming of the Pacific War: A Brief History with Documents and Essays, edited by Akira Iriye. The book was published in Boston in 1999 by Bedford/St. Martin’s and is part of a series called the Bedford Series in History and Culture.


EXERCISE 63–17 Chicago documentation: bibliography - 2 of 10: The student has summarized material from an essay, “Pearl Harbor as an Intelligence Failure,” written by David Kahn and printed on pages 158-96 of the book Pearl Harbor and the Coming of the Pacific War: A Brief History with Documents and Essays, edited by Akira Iriye. The book was published in Boston in 1999 by Bedford/St. Martin’s and is part of a series called the Bedford Series in History and Culture.

3 of 10

The student has quoted material from an untitled review of the book A Date Which Will Live: Pearl Harbor in American Memory, by Emily S. Rosenberg. The book was published in 2003 in Durham, NC, by Duke University Press. The review was written by Naoko Shibusawa and appears on page 1519 of the Journal of American History, volume 91, issue 4, published in 2005.


EXERCISE 63–17 Chicago documentation: bibliography - 3 of 10: The student has quoted material from an untitled review of the book A Date Which Will Live: Pearl Harbor in American Memory, by Emily S. Rosenberg. The book was published in 2003 in Durham, NC, by Duke University Press. The review was written by Naoko Shibusawa and appears on page 1519 of the Journal of American History, volume 91, issue 4, published in 2005.

4 of 10

The student has summarized information from an article appearing on pages 75-101 of the Journal of Military History, volume 58, number 1, which was published in January 1994. The article is titled “Pinpointing Devastation: American Air Campaign Planning before Pearl Harbor” and was written by Mark Clodfelter.


EXERCISE 63–17 Chicago documentation: bibliography - 4 of 10: The student has summarized information from an article appearing on pages 75-101 of the Journal of Military History, volume 58, number 1, which was published in January 1994. The article is titled “Pinpointing Devastation: American Air Campaign Planning before Pearl Harbor” and was written by Mark Clodfelter.

5 of 10

The student has quoted material from a letter published on pages 184-87 of the book War Letters: Extraordinary Correspondence from American Wars, which was edited by Andrew Carroll. The letter was written by Paul E. Spangler on December 17, 1941, and was sent to Izee Reds. The book was published in New York by Scribner in 2001.


EXERCISE 63–17 Chicago documentation: bibliography - 5 of 10: The student has quoted material from a letter published on pages 184-87 of the book War Letters: Extraordinary Correspondence from American Wars, which was edited by Andrew Carroll. The letter was written by Paul E. Spangler on December 17, 1941, and was sent to Izee Reds. The book was published in New York by Scribner in 2001.

6 of 10

The student has paraphrased material from the short work “United States Naval Base, Pearl Harbor,” on the Web site Aviation: From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms. There is no named author and no update date. The site is sponsored by the National Park Service. The student accessed the material at http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/aviation/prl.htm on December 3, 2008.


EXERCISE 63–17 Chicago documentation: bibliography - 6 of 10: The student has paraphrased material from the short work “United States Naval Base, Pearl Harbor,” on the Web site Aviation: From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms. There is no named author and no update date. The site is sponsored by the National Park Service. The student accessed the material at http://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/aviation/prl.htm on December 3, 2008.

7 of 10

The student has paraphrased material from a posting to the H-war discussion list written by Christopher Koontz on January 22, 2009. The title of the posting is “Trivialization of History” and the URL is http://www.h-net.org/logsearch/?phrase=pearl+harbor&type=keyword&hitlimit=25&field=&nojg=on&smonth=00&syear=1989&emonth=11&eyear=2029&order=-@DPB.


EXERCISE 63–17 Chicago documentation: bibliography - 7 of 10: The student has paraphrased material from a posting to the H-war discussion list written by Christopher Koontz on January 22, 2009. The title of the posting is “Trivialization of History” and the URL is http://www.h-net.org/logsearch/?phrase=pearl+harbor&type=keyword&hitlimit=25&field=&nojg=on&smonth=00&syear=1989&emonth=11&eyear=2029&order=-@DPB.

8 of 10

The student has summarized a few paragraphs from pages 648-53 of the biography Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom, by Conrad Black. The book was published in New York by PublicAffairs in 2003.


EXERCISE 63–17 Chicago documentation: bibliography - 8 of 10: The student has summarized a few paragraphs from pages 648-53 of the biography Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom, by Conrad Black. The book was published in New York by PublicAffairs in 2003.

9 of 10

The student has quoted dialogue from the documentary movie Pearl Harbor: Legacy of Attack, which was narrated by Tom Brokaw. The student viewed the DVD version, released in 2001. The producer/distributor is National Geographic Video in Washington, DC.


EXERCISE 63–17 Chicago documentation: bibliography - 9 of 10: The student has quoted dialogue from the documentary movie Pearl Harbor: Legacy of Attack, which was narrated by Tom Brokaw. The student viewed the DVD version, released in 2001. The producer/distributor is National Geographic Video in Washington, DC.

10 of 10

The student has quoted from an article titled “Unlocking a Photograph’s Secrets (Pearl Harbor Attack, 1941).” The article has no named author and appeared in American History, volume 30, number 1, in April 1995 on page 74. The student found the article in the Expanded Academic ASAP database, where it was assigned the document number A16552901. The database does not assign a DOI (digital object identifier).


EXERCISE 63–17 Chicago documentation: bibliography - 10 of 10: The student has quoted from an article titled “Unlocking a Photograph’s Secrets (Pearl Harbor Attack, 1941).” The article has no named author and appeared in American History, volume 30, number 1, in April 1995 on page 74. The student found the article in the Expanded Academic ASAP database, where it was assigned the document number A16552901. The database does not assign a DOI (digital object identifier).