64e. Using a discipline’s preferred citation style

64eUse a discipline’s preferred citation style.


You will need to document your sources in the style preferred by your discipline.

image Documenting sources: MLA (humanities), 56; APA (social sciences), 61; Chicago (history), 63d; CSE (sciences), online at hackerhandbooks.com/resdoc

In any discipline, you must give credit to those whose ideas or words you have borrowed. Whenever you write, it is your responsibility to avoid plagiarism by citing sources honestly and accurately.

While all disciplines emphasize careful documentation, each follows a particular system of citation that its members have agreed on. Writers in the humanities usually use the system established by the Modern Language Association (MLA). Scholars in some social sciences, such as psychology and anthropology, follow the style guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA). Scholars in history and other humanities typically follow The Chicago Manual of Style.