EXERCISE 1–7 Introductions - 1 of 5: In each pair, click on the better introduction, the one that, in addition to engaging the reader’s attention, clearly states a thesis.
2 of 5
EXERCISE 1–7 Introductions - 2 of 5: In each pair, click on the better introduction, the one that, in addition to engaging the reader’s attention, clearly states a thesis.
3 of 5
EXERCISE 1–7 Introductions - 3 of 5: In each pair, click on the better introduction, the one that, in addition to engaging the reader’s attention, clearly states a thesis.
4 of 5
EXERCISE 1–7 Introductions - 4 of 5: In each pair, click on the better introduction, the one that, in addition to engaging the reader’s attention, clearly states a thesis.
5 of 5
EXERCISE 1–7 Introductions - 5 of 5: In each pair, click on the better introduction, the one that, in addition to engaging the reader’s attention, clearly states a thesis.