Reading visual texts actively

As you write: Reading visual texts actively

Use the advice on previewing, annotating, and conversing (pp. 114–15) to guide your active reading of one of the following visuals—a cartoon by Peter Steiner and a photograph by Alexandra Hays—or a visual of your choice. Pay particular attention to details and to what surprises or interests you about the text and what you notice on a second reading. If you could talk with the composer of the text, what questions would you ask? Exchange notes and questions with a classmate. Then reflect on how the process of reading and questioning a visual helped you understand it and form a judgment about it. Record your reflections and questions in the space below. Click Submit.

Copyright © Peter Steiner/The New Yorker Collection/
“Saturday Morning,” Copyright © Alexandra Hays.

Use the advice on previewing, annotating, and conversing (pp. 114–15) to guide your active reading of one of the following visuals—a cartoon by Peter Steiner and a photograph by Alexandra Hays—or a visual of your choice. Pay particular attention to details and to what surprises or interests you about the text and what you notice on a second reading. If you could talk with the composer of the text, what questions would you ask? Exchange notes and questions with a classmate. Then reflect on how the process of reading and questioning a visual helped you understand it and form a judgment about it. Record your reflections and questions in the space below. Click Submit.