EXERCISE 13–7 Shifts: mood and voice, questions and quotations - 1 of 5: In each pair, click on the version of the sentence that does not have any shifts in mood, voice, questions, or quotations.
2 of 5
EXERCISE 13–7 Shifts: mood and voice, questions and quotations - 2 of 5: In each pair, click on the version of the sentence that does not have any shifts in mood, voice, questions, or quotations.
3 of 5
EXERCISE 13–7 Shifts: mood and voice, questions and quotations - 3 of 5: In each pair, click on the version of the sentence that does not have any shifts in mood, voice, questions, or quotations.
4 of 5
EXERCISE 13–7 Shifts: mood and voice, questions and quotations - 4 of 5: In each pair, click on the version of the sentence that does not have any shifts in mood, voice, questions, or quotations.
5 of 5
EXERCISE 13–7 Shifts: mood and voice, questions and quotations - 5 of 5: In each pair, click on the version of the sentence that does not have any shifts in mood, voice, questions, or quotations.