EXERCISE 14–12 Using coordination and subordination

EXERCISE 14–12Using coordination and subordination

Combine each set of sentences by subordinating minor ideas or by coordinating ideas of equal importance. The bracketed instructions explain which part of the sentence, if any, should be emphasized. When you have finished, click on Submit both to check and to record your answer. Answers may vary.

1 of 10

The American Dust Bowl destroyed crops, cattle, and human lives. The Dust Bowl lasted through the 1930s. [Emphasize the destruction caused by the Dust Bowl.]

Possible revision:

The American Dust Bowl, which lasted through the 1930s, destroyed crops, cattle, and human lives. For more help, see section 14a.
EXERCISE 14–12 Using coordination and subordination - 1 of 10: The American Dust Bowl destroyed crops, cattle, and human lives. The Dust Bowl lasted through the 1930s. [Emphasize the destruction caused by the Dust Bowl.]

2 of 10

Francis Bicknell Carpenter was Abraham Lincoln’s portrait artist. Carpenter wrote that Lincoln had “the saddest face” he had “ever attempted to paint.” [Emphasize what Carpenter said about Lincoln.]

Possible revision:

Francis Bicknell Carpenter, Abraham Lincoln’s portrait artist, wrote that Lincoln had “the saddest face” he had “ever attempted to paint.”orFrancis Bicknell Carpenter, who was Abraham Lincoln’s portrait artist, wrote that Lincoln had “the saddest face” he had “ever attempted to paint.” For more help, see section 14a.
EXERCISE 14–12 Using coordination and subordination - 2 of 10: Francis Bicknell Carpenter was Abraham Lincoln’s portrait artist. Carpenter wrote that Lincoln had “the saddest face” he had “ever attempted to paint.” [Emphasize what Carpenter said about Lincoln.]

3 of 10

Corn is found in about 25 percent of all supermarket products. Many Americans do not realize that corn dominates their diet. [Emphasize what Americans may not realize.]

Possible revision:

Many Americans do not realize that corn, which is found in about 25 percent of all supermarket products, dominates their diet. For more help, see section 14a.
EXERCISE 14–12 Using coordination and subordination - 3 of 10: Corn is found in about 25 percent of all supermarket products. Many Americans do not realize that corn dominates their diet. [Emphasize what Americans may not realize.]

4 of 10

Yo-Yo Ma started studying the cello at the age of four. Yo-Yo Ma began playing before audiences at the age of five. [Treat the information from both sentences with equal importance.]

Possible revision:

Yo-Yo Ma started studying the cello at the age of four, and he began playing before audiences by the age of five.orYo-Yo Ma started studying the cello at the age of four; he began playing before audiences by the age of five. For more help, see section 14a.
EXERCISE 14–12 Using coordination and subordination - 4 of 10: Yo-Yo Ma started studying the cello at the age of four. Yo-Yo Ma began playing before audiences at the age of five. [Treat the information from both sentences with equal importance.]

5 of 10

The Greek scholar Eratosthenes determined that the earth was round and accurately calculated its diameter. Eratosthenes lived 1,700 years before Columbus. [Emphasize that Eratosthenes determined that the earth was round and calculated its diameter.]

Possible revision:

The Greek scholar Eratosthenes, who lived 1,700 years before Columbus, determined that the earth was round and accurately calculated its diameter. For more help, see section 14a.
EXERCISE 14–12 Using coordination and subordination - 5 of 10: The Greek scholar Eratosthenes determined that the earth was round and accurately calculated its diameter. Eratosthenes lived 1,700 years before Columbus. [Emphasize that Eratosthenes determined that the earth was round and calculated its diameter.]

6 of 10

Mateo was born in Virginia. Mateo now considers himself a native Floridian. [Emphasize that Mateo now considers himself a native Floridian.]

Possible revision:

Born in Virginia, Mateo now considers himself a native Floridian.orAlthough he was born in Virginia, Mateo now considers himself a native Floridian. For more help, see section 14a.
EXERCISE 14–12 Using coordination and subordination - 6 of 10: Mateo was born in Virginia. Mateo now considers himself a native Floridian. [Emphasize that Mateo now considers himself a native Floridian.]

7 of 10

Clara Barton was always full of energy. Barton often described herself as “athletic.” [Treat the information from both sentences with equal importance.]

Possible revision:

Clara Barton was always full of energy, and she often described herself as “athletic.” For more help, see section 14a.
EXERCISE 14–12 Using coordination and subordination - 7 of 10: Clara Barton was always full of energy. Barton often described herself as “athletic.” [Treat the information from both sentences with equal importance.]

8 of 10

Some geologists think that the Yellowstone volcano is due for another explosion. The volcano has erupted about every 600,000 years. [Emphasize what the geologists think.]

Possible revision:

Some geologists think that the Yellowstone volcano, which has erupted about every 600,000 years, is due for another explosion. For more help, see section 14a.
EXERCISE 14–12 Using coordination and subordination - 8 of 10: Some geologists think that the Yellowstone volcano is due for another explosion. The volcano has erupted about every 600,000 years. [Emphasize what the geologists think.]

9 of 10

Confucius was a Chinese philosopher. Confucius lived about 2,500 years ago. [Emphasize when Confucius lived.]

Possible revision:

The Chinese philosopher Confucius lived about 2,500 years ago.orConfucius, a Chinese philosopher, lived about 2,500 years ago. For more help, see section 14a.
EXERCISE 14–12 Using coordination and subordination - 9 of 10: Confucius was a Chinese philosopher. Confucius lived about 2,500 years ago. [Emphasize when Confucius lived.]

10 of 10

Green tea and black tea look and taste different. They come from the same plant. [Emphasize that both teas come from the same plant.]

Possible revision:

Although green tea and black tea look and taste different, they come from the same plant. For more help, see section 14a.
EXERCISE 14–12 Using coordination and subordination - 10 of 10: Green tea and black tea look and taste different. They come from the same plant. [Emphasize that both teas come from the same plant.]