EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words

EXERCISE 18–4Misused words

Click on the word in the parentheses that is used correctly.

1 of 10

EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 1 of 10: Subtly, Jason (inferred / implied) that those of us who did not support his proposal might soon be looking for other jobs.

2 of 10

EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 2 of 10: Those who believe that books written for children are all sweetness and light are suffering from an (allusion / illusion).

3 of 10

EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 3 of 10: In general, the Internet has had a positive (affect / effect) on our society.

4 of 10

EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 4 of 10: It is sometimes difficult to hear in church because the (acoustics / agnostics) are so terrible.

5 of 10

EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 5 of 10: The (significance / significant) of my decision became clear in July 1996.

6 of 10

EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 6 of 10: The bright, airy rooms at the hotel had obviously been designed by someone with a keen (aesthetic / ascetic) sense.

7 of 10

EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 7 of 10: The boy was (conscience / conscious) when the ambulance arrived because the lifeguard had revived him.

8 of 10

EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 8 of 10: Tyrone had a (presumptuous / presumptive) attitude.

9 of 10

EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 9 of 10: We had all heard rumors about the new supervisor, but none of them were (credible / credulous).

10 of 10

EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words - 10 of 10: The (epigraph / epitaph) on William Butler Yeats’s tombstone reads, “Cast a cold Eye / On Life, on Death. / Horseman, pass by!”