EXERCISE 18–7 Standard idioms

EXERCISE 18–7Standard idioms

Click on the correct word or phrase in the parentheses.

1 of 10

EXERCISE 18–7 Standard idioms - 1 of 10: Everyone in my unit was (angry with / angry at) me for reporting the incident.

2 of 10

EXERCISE 18–7 Standard idioms - 2 of 10: Our painkiller is far (superior than / superior to) any other medicine on the market.

3 of 10

EXERCISE 18–7 Standard idioms - 3 of 10: All students should (try and / try to) take at least four courses in fields they know nothing about.

4 of 10

EXERCISE 18–7 Standard idioms - 4 of 10: If we want a license, we must (comply with / comply to) federal regulations.

5 of 10

EXERCISE 18–7 Standard idioms - 5 of 10: The parade moved (off / off of) the street and onto the beach.

6 of 10

EXERCISE 18–7 Standard idioms - 6 of 10: What (type of / type of a) party would you like for your birthday?

7 of 10

EXERCISE 18–7 Standard idioms - 7 of 10: My brother is (capable of finishing / capable to finish) his college degree, but he doesn’t believe he needs one.

8 of 10

EXERCISE 18–7 Standard idioms - 8 of 10: Dwayne seemed to be getting along with his girlfriend (prior than / prior to) their appearance on the reality show.

9 of 10

EXERCISE 18–7 Standard idioms - 9 of 10: Do you (intend on taking / intend to take) another semester of calculus this spring?

10 of 10

EXERCISE 18–7 Standard idioms - 10 of 10: We plan to (abide by / abide with) our decision to expand the honors program.