EXERCISE 21–6 Subject-verb agreement - 1 of 10: The city’s rich history and its exciting cultural life (has / have) made Paris a popular tourist destination.
2 of 10
EXERCISE 21–6 Subject-verb agreement - 2 of 10: Each of the twenty-five actors (was / were) given a five-minute tryout, and only three were called back for a more intensive audition.
3 of 10
EXERCISE 21–6 Subject-verb agreement - 3 of 10: When Governor John White returned to Roanoke, there (was / were) no traces of the settlers he had left behind.
4 of 10
EXERCISE 21–6 Subject-verb agreement - 4 of 10: High concentrations of carbon monoxide in a home (causes / cause) headaches, dizziness, unconsciousness, and even death.
5 of 10
EXERCISE 21–6 Subject-verb agreement - 5 of 10: After hearing the evidence and the closing arguments, the jury (was / were) sequestered.
6 of 10
EXERCISE 21–6 Subject-verb agreement - 6 of 10: Neither our city nor our county (has / have) established a meals on wheels program for senior citizens.
7 of 10
EXERCISE 21–6 Subject-verb agreement - 7 of 10: Some animal rights groups oppose the eating of eggs, which (comes / come) from animals.
8 of 10
EXERCISE 21–6 Subject-verb agreement - 8 of 10: Both Sonia and her sister hope to go into the foreign service, but neither (has / have) yet applied.
9 of 10
EXERCISE 21–6 Subject-verb agreement - 9 of 10: Toys Aplenty (appreciates / appreciate) your business and is committed to your satisfaction.
10 of 10
EXERCISE 21–6 Subject-verb agreement - 10 of 10: A central motif in the field of economics (is / are) guns and butter.