EXERCISE 25–3 Pronoun case (who vs. whom)

EXERCISE 25–3Pronoun case (who vs. whom)

Click on the correct pronoun in the parentheses.

1 of 10

EXERCISE 25–3 Pronoun case (who vs. whom) - 1 of 10: In his first production of Hamlet, (who /whom) did Laurence Olivier replace?

2 of 10

EXERCISE 25–3 Pronoun case (who vs. whom) - 2 of 10: (Who / Whom) was Martin Luther King’s mentor?

3 of 10

EXERCISE 25–3 Pronoun case (who vs. whom) - 3 of 10: Datacall allows you to talk to (whoever / whomever) needs you no matter where you are in the building.

4 of 10

EXERCISE 25–3 Pronoun case (who vs. whom) - 4 of 10: The bank doors were locked, and (whoever / whomever) was inside remained there until the police officers arrived.

5 of 10

EXERCISE 25–3 Pronoun case (who vs. whom) - 5 of 10: One of the women (who / whom) Martinez hired became the most successful lawyer in the agency.

6 of 10

EXERCISE 25–3 Pronoun case (who vs. whom) - 6 of 10: The employee (who / whom) we at first suspected was in Cleveland on the night of the theft.

7 of 10

EXERCISE 25–3 Pronoun case (who vs. whom) - 7 of 10: Houdini’s skills were so great that even those of us (who / whom) knew how he performed his arts were often amazed.

8 of 10

EXERCISE 25–3 Pronoun case (who vs. whom) - 8 of 10: Our supervisor does not care enough about quality work; he praises (whoever / whomever) finishes first.

9 of 10

EXERCISE 25–3 Pronoun case (who vs. whom) - 9 of 10: When a horse clattered by carrying a lone body with a jack-o’-lantern head, even those of us (who / whom) knew about the trick were startled.

10 of 10

EXERCISE 25–3 Pronoun case (who vs. whom) - 10 of 10: Two of the students (who / whom) the dean suspended were readmitted within a week.