EXERCISE 27–3 Irregular verbs

EXERCISE 27–3Irregular verbs

Click on the correct verb in the parentheses.

1 of 10

EXERCISE 27–3 Irregular verbs - 1 of 10: How many times have you (swore / sworn) to yourself, “I’ll diet tomorrow, after one more piece of cheesecake”?

2 of 10

EXERCISE 27–3 Irregular verbs - 2 of 10: The tutor was satisfied that Max had (wrote / written) a fairly intelligent essay.

3 of 10

EXERCISE 27–3 Irregular verbs - 3 of 10: All parents were asked to send a mat for students to (lie / lay) on.

4 of 10

EXERCISE 27–3 Irregular verbs - 4 of 10: I just heard on the news that Claudia Brandolini has (broke / broken) the world record for her high jump.

5 of 10

EXERCISE 27–3 Irregular verbs - 5 of 10: I think every cartoonist in America has (drew / drawn) at least one caricature of a president.

6 of 10

EXERCISE 27–3 Irregular verbs - 6 of 10: On the first day of his summer vacation, Charles (lay / laid) in bed wondering why he had signed up for an eight o’clock class.

7 of 10

EXERCISE 27–3 Irregular verbs - 7 of 10: I couldn’t believe it when my mother said that gasoline (cost / costed) fifty cents a gallon when she got her license.

8 of 10

EXERCISE 27–3 Irregular verbs - 8 of 10: My old Chevy has been (drove / driven) more than 200,000 miles and is still getting me to work and back every day.

9 of 10

EXERCISE 27–3 Irregular verbs - 9 of 10: Our son assured us that he had not even known about Aunt Minerva’s coin collection, let alone (stole / stolen) it.

10 of 10

EXERCISE 27–3 Irregular verbs - 10 of 10: The girl said that she had been having difficulty sleeping, (lying / laying) awake because she feared the dark.