EXERCISE 46–17 Parts of speech: adverbs

EXERCISE 46–17Parts of speech: adverbs

For each sentence, indicate which of the three underlined words is an adverb.

1 of 10

EXERCISE 46–17 Parts of speech: adverbs - 1 of 10: Clean water is very scarce in some parts of the world.

2 of 10

EXERCISE 46–17 Parts of speech: adverbs - 2 of 10: Swimming with dolphins is an experience I will never forget.

3 of 10

EXERCISE 46–17 Parts of speech: adverbs - 3 of 10: On a clear day, Mount Rainier can be easily seen from Seattle.

4 of 10

EXERCISE 46–17 Parts of speech: adverbs - 4 of 10: The exchange student could not understand my mother’s heavily accented English.

5 of 10

EXERCISE 46–17 Parts of speech: adverbs - 5 of 10: The hopeful applicants studied intensely for the citizenship test.

6 of 10

EXERCISE 46–17 Parts of speech: adverbs - 6 of 10: Most babies get their lower front teeth first.

7 of 10

EXERCISE 46–17 Parts of speech: adverbs - 7 of 10: Despite the threatening clouds, we were not allowed to bring our umbrellas into the stadium.

8 of 10

EXERCISE 46–17 Parts of speech: adverbs - 8 of 10: Writers of historical fiction often bend the truth to tell a good story.

9 of 10

EXERCISE 46–17 Parts of speech: adverbs - 9 of 10: Ordinary census records sometimes provide an astonishing level of detail about the past.

10 of 10

EXERCISE 46–17 Parts of speech: adverbs - 10 of 10: At our first lesson, we only talked about surfing; we didn’t even get our feet wet.