EXERCISE 46–18 Parts of speech: adverbs - 1 of 10: The chairperson of the hiring committee settled the matter promptly.
2 of 10
EXERCISE 46–18 Parts of speech: adverbs - 2 of 10: After she entered the attic, the door mysteriously closed behind her.
3 of 10
EXERCISE 46–18 Parts of speech: adverbs - 3 of 10: The Beatles quicklyrose to fame after they released their first album.
4 of 10
EXERCISE 46–18 Parts of speech: adverbs - 4 of 10: Sea stars, or starfish, typicallyeat bivalves such as oysters and clams.
5 of 10
EXERCISE 46–18 Parts of speech: adverbs - 5 of 10: Papua New Guinea is one of the most linguisticallydiverse countries in the world; anthropologists estimate that about one thousand languages are spoken there.
6 of 10
EXERCISE 46–18 Parts of speech: adverbs - 6 of 10: The hotel clerk said that she was sorry for calling our room somany times.
7 of 10
EXERCISE 46–18 Parts of speech: adverbs - 7 of 10: Zane never ate processed food, and his health was excellent.
8 of 10
EXERCISE 46–18 Parts of speech: adverbs - 8 of 10: Astronomers recently demoted Pluto from a planet to a dwarf planet.
9 of 10
EXERCISE 46–18 Parts of speech: adverbs - 9 of 10: The friendly atmosphere and the genuinely helpful waitstaff make the Blue Dolphin our favorite restaurant.
10 of 10
EXERCISE 46–18 Parts of speech: adverbs - 10 of 10: Permafrost, or permanentlyfrozen soil, prevents trees from growing in the tundra.