EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech

EXERCISE 46–19All parts of speech

Indicate the part of speech of the underlined word.

1 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 1 of 20: Saturn is the second-largest planet in our solar system.

2 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 2 of 20: In tropical climates, it can rain more than four hundred inches per year.

3 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 3 of 20: The bank returned the check because of insufficient funds in my account.

4 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 4 of 20: Drinking and driving are a dangerous combination.

5 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 5 of 20: Public anger has risen over violence in schools.

6 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 6 of 20: When the basement flooded, everything in my grandmother’s cedar chest was lost.

7 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 7 of 20: Raccoons usually sleep by day and search for food at night.

8 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 8 of 20: The refugees walked without food or water for two days.

9 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 9 of 20: The full moon cast a wondrous glow on the fresh snow.

10 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 10 of 20: Ethan was uniquely qualified to chair the committee.

11 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 11 of 20: Oh, the network is down again.

12 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 12 of 20: If you could be anything you wanted, what would you choose?

13 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 13 of 20: Although greatly outnumbered, Alexander the Great’s army defeated the Persians at Issus in 333 BC.

14 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 14 of 20: Wishing and hoping are useless; you must play an active role in attaining your goals.

15 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 15 of 20: Their donation was the largest ever received by the charity.

16 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 16 of 20: It is essential to keep quiet when tracking deer.

17 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 17 of 20: Luckily, we had decided to put up the hurricane shutters before leaving on our trip.

18 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 18 of 20: The thawing ice on the lake creaked and groaned all night long.

19 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 19 of 20: For the final hand of the night, I had a royal straight flush.

20 of 20

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech - 20 of 20: Proponents argue that the cost of the new stadium is a worthwhile expense.