EXERCISE 47–2 Identifying complete subjects

EXERCISE 47–2Identifying complete subjects

For each sentence, choose the option that lists the complete subject—the subject plus its modifiers. Remember that a subject can be compound and that sometimes the subject is you, understood.

1 of 5

EXERCISE 47–2 Identifying complete subjects - 1 of 5: The size of the new building caused an uproar in the town.

2 of 5

EXERCISE 47–2 Identifying complete subjects - 2 of 5: Eat heartily and gather your strength.

3 of 5

EXERCISE 47–2 Identifying complete subjects - 3 of 5: In the opinion of the court, siblings must be kept together.

4 of 5

EXERCISE 47–2 Identifying complete subjects - 4 of 5: All of the old books and magazines smelled like mothballs.

5 of 5

EXERCISE 47–2 Identifying complete subjects - 5 of 5: There were no tour buses or RVs at the customs booth.