EXERCISE 56–6 MLA documentation: works cited

EXERCISE 56–6MLA documentation: works cited

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1 of 10

EXERCISE 56–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 1 of 10: The student has cited a book, Cinema India: The Visual Culture of Hindi Film, by Rachel Dwyer and Divia Patel. The book was published in New Delhi by Oxford University Press in 2002.

2 of 10

EXERCISE 56–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 2 of 10: The student has cited an article, “Kishore Kumar,” by Sushama Shelly. It appears on pages 95-96 of the November 2002 edition of the magazine CinéBlitz.

3 of 10

EXERCISE 56–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 3 of 10: The student paraphrases material from an article, “Playback Time: A Brief History of Bollywood ‘Film Songs,’” by Nasreen Munni Kabir. It appears on pages 41-43 of the May-June 2002 issue of the magazine Film Comment. The paper includes a citation of a book, Bollywood: The Indian Cinema Story, by the same author.

4 of 10

EXERCISE 56–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 4 of 10: The student includes biographical information about Indian actor Rajkumar from an article titled “Rajkumar” in Encyclopaedia of Indian Cinema, which appears in a new revised edition edited by Ashish Rajadhyaksha and Paul Willemen. The encyclopedia was jointly published by the British Film Institute in London and Oxford University Press in New Delhi in 1999.

5 of 10

EXERCISE 56–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 5 of 10: The student quotes from a foreword by Aruna Vasudev in a book, The Cinemas of India, 1896-2000, by Yves Thoraval. The book was published in New Delhi in 2000 by Macmillan India. The foreword appears on pages vii-viii.

6 of 10

EXERCISE 56–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 6 of 10: The student paraphrases material from an article, “Vijay Anand (1935–2004): A Belated Tribute,” appearing on the Web site Upperstall.com, sponsored by Upperstall.com. No author is listed for the article, and the date of posting is 2004. The student accessed the site on May 12, 2004.

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EXERCISE 56–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 7 of 10: The student summarizes material in a chapter titled “Hinduism” in the book World Religions: A Historical Approach by S. A. Nigosian. The student used the third edition of the book, which was published in Boston in 2000 by Bedford/St. Martin’s. The chapter appears on pages 20–55.

8 of 10

EXERCISE 56–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 8 of 10: The student cites an article, “Bollywood Confidential,” by Lisa Tsering. It appeared on the Web site Salon.com on January 28, 2003. The site is sponsored by Salon Media Group, and the writer accessed the site on April 29, 2004.

9 of 10

EXERCISE 56–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 9 of 10: The student quotes dialogue from a film, Lagaan, directed by Ashutosh Gowariker and starring Aamir Khan and Gracy Singh. The film appeared on a DVD released in 2002 by Columbia TriStar.

10 of 10

EXERCISE 56–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 10 of 10: The student includes quotations from a review by Dave Kehr of the film Lagaan, directed by Ashutosh Gowariker. The review appeared on the New York Times Web site on May 8, 2002, under the title “The Cricketing of an Indian Village.” The site is sponsored by New York Times. The writer read the article on May 13, 2004.