EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources
EXERCISE 63–12Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources
Answer each question using information in the source provided.
SOURCE: An article from a periodical
EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 1 of 10: How would you begin a Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source?
SOURCE: An article from a periodical
EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 2 of 10: How would you cite the publication information for this article in a Chicago-style bibliography entry? The article begins on page 404 and ends on page 433.
SOURCE: A multivolume work
EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 3 of 10: How would you prepare a Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source?
SOURCE: An article from a database
EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 4 of 10: How would you cite the publication information for the periodical in this database record?
SOURCE: An article from a database
EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 5 of 10: What information would you place at the end of the entry, after the page number?
SOURCE: A translated work
EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 6 of 10: How would you begin a Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source?
SOURCE: A book review published in an online magazine
EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 7 of 10: How would you begin a Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source?
SOURCE: A book review published in an online magazine
EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 8 of 10: How would you cite the publication information for this source in a Chicago-style bibliography entry? (Page references are not included because the source is not paginated online.)
SOURCE: Short document from a Web site
EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 9 of 10: Whom would you cite as the sponsor of this source in a Chicago-style bibliography entry?
SOURCE: Short document from a Web site
EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources - 10 of 10: What is the correct Chicago-style bibliography entry for this source? (The site does not give an update date; the student accessed the site on April 3, 2013.)