TUTORIAL 3 Using the menus or the index
TUTORIAL 3Using the menus or the index
Imagine that you are in the following situations. Using either the menus or the index, find the section of the handbook that gives you the information you need and explain what you find there.
You are a student studying health administration, and you’re editing a report you’ve just written on the benefits of community-based urgent care clinics. You recall learning to put a comma between all items in a series except the last two. But you have noticed that most writers use a comma between all items. You’re curious about the rule. Which section of The Bedford Handbook will you consult?
Handbook section: 32c
TUTORIAL 3 Using the menus or the index - 1 of 3: You are a student studying health administration, and you’re editing a report you’ve just written on the benefits of community-based urgent care clinics. You recall learning to put a comma between all items in a series except the last two. But you have noticed that most writers use a comma between all items. You’re curious about the rule. Which section of The Bedford Handbook will you consult?
Explanation: Section 32c states that, although usage varies, most experts advise using a comma between all items in a series—to prevent possible misreadings or ambiguities. To find this section, you would probably use the menu system.
TUTORIAL 3 Using the menus or the index - 1 of 3: You are a student studying health administration, and you’re editing a report you’ve just written on the benefits of community-based urgent care clinics. You recall learning to put a comma between all items in a series except the last two. But you have noticed that most writers use a comma between all items. You’re curious about the rule. Which section of The Bedford Handbook will you consult?
You are tutoring in your university’s writing center. A composition student comes to you for help with her first college essay. She is revising a draft and struggling with her use of articles (a, an, and the). You know how to use articles, but you aren’t able to explain the complicated rules on their correct use. Which section in The Bedford Handbook will you and the student, a multilingual writer, consult?
Handbook section: 29
TUTORIAL 3 Using the menus or the index - 2 of 3: You are tutoring in your university’s writing center. A composition student comes to you for help with her first college essay. She is revising a draft and struggling with her use of articles (a, an, and the). You know how to use articles, but you aren’t able to explain the complicated rules on their correct use. Which section in The Bedford Handbook will you and the student, a multilingual writer, consult?
Explanation: You and the student would consult section 29, on articles. This section is easy to locate in the menu system.
TUTORIAL 3 Using the menus or the index - 2 of 3: You are tutoring in your university’s writing center. A composition student comes to you for help with her first college essay. She is revising a draft and struggling with her use of articles (a, an, and the). You know how to use articles, but you aren’t able to explain the complicated rules on their correct use. Which section in The Bedford Handbook will you and the student, a multilingual writer, consult?
You have been assigned to write a response to an essay you read for your composition class. Your instructor has asked that you use at least three quotations from the text in your response, which must be written in MLA style. You aren’t quite sure how to integrate words from another source in your own writing. Which section in the handbook will help?
Handbook section: 55
TUTORIAL 3 Using the menus or the index - 3 of 3: You have been assigned to write a response to an essay you read for your composition class. Your instructor has asked that you use at least three quotations from the text in your response, which must be written in MLA style. You aren’t quite sure how to integrate words from another source in your own writing. Which section in the handbook will help?
Explanation: In the menu system, you will find “MLA papers” and then section 55, “Integrating sources.”
TUTORIAL 3 Using the menus or the index - 3 of 3: You have been assigned to write a response to an essay you read for your composition class. Your instructor has asked that you use at least three quotations from the text in your response, which must be written in MLA style. You aren’t quite sure how to integrate words from another source in your own writing. Which section in the handbook will help?