PBS Off Book Editors [Video]

Generative Art - Computers, Data, and Humanity

Off Book is a Web series from PBS that chronicles the intersection of art, culture, and the Internet. In this episode, three innovative creators discuss how they push the boundaries of art and design by allowing computers to make key decisions about their creations. Watch the video below. After viewing the video, respond to the questions that follow.

AS YOU WATCH: What are the main similarities between the three projects featured in this video?

Questions to Start You Thinking

After watching/exploring the video from PBS Off Book Editors, consider the question(s) below. Then "submit" your response.

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Considering Meaning: Look up the definition of generative in a dictionary. How does the art discussed in this video fulfill or match this definition? Are there any attributes of these art projects that challenge or do not fit into the definition you've found? If so, which ones?

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Identifying Writing Strategies: Think about the order in which these three artists are featured (following the brief screen time given to each at the opening). Why do you think the producer, in organizing the video, decided on this order for presenting the three artists? What if the artists were presented in a different order? Would this rearrangement affect your comprehension of the content in any way? Does each presentation seem to build on the previous one, or does the organization appear to be random or irrelevant? Explain.

Journal Prompts:

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At 5:32, Will Wright says, “We’re finding out that there’s this really deep partnership that we have with computers.” Would you say that you have a “deep partnership” with your computer (or smartphone or tablet)? Why or why not? How has your partnership with such devices deepened or changed over the years? How do these devices aid you on a daily basis? What do you depend on them to do for you? Do you consider these devices, or any of the applications you use on them (like Facebook or Twitter), to be part of who you are as a person? How would you feel if these devices were suddenly taken away from you?