Patient A and Patient B are infected with a harmful strain of bacteria.
For treatment of the infection, both patients are prescribed an antibiotic that will specifically eliminate the harmful bacteria.

The antibiotic is to be taken three times a day over the course of one week until all the pills are finished.
Patient A takes the antibiotic as prescribed.

Patient B, however, starts feeling better after 3 days and decides to stop taking the antibiotic pills.
Patient A now is completely clear of the harmful bacteria.

Patient B experiences re-infection, and the antibiotic is no longer effective against the harmful strain.
How are bacteria able to divide and grow in a host?
What was the prescribed antibiotic supposed to do for these patients?
Why were the harmful bacteria completely eliminated in Patient A?
Why are harmful bacteria still present in Patient B?
Why won’t the same antibiotic work for Patient B when the harmful bacterial infection reoccurs?