
A desire for better icon naming consistency and predictability are at the heart of the changes in naming conventions. Once you know the name of the base icon shape, you should be able to predict the names of variants.


Solid icons as the base variant

  • fa-bookmark
  • fa-comment
  • fa-folder


Outlined version of previous modifier

  • fa-bookmark-o
  • fa-comment-o
  • fa-folder-o


Circle under previous modifier

  • fa-check-circle
  • fa-exclamation-circle
  • fa-plus-circle


Square under previous modifier

  • fa-check-square
  • fa-twitter-square
  • fa-plus-square

*-right, *-up, etc.

Directional modifier always at the end

  • fa-arrow-right
  • fa-arrow-circle-right
  • fa-angle-double-right


Alternative to the original

  • fa-unlock-alt
  • fa-list-alt
  • fa-github-alt

*-h, *-v

Horizontal & vertical modifiers

  • fa-arrows-v
  • fa-arrows-h
  • fa-ellipsis-v

Combine 'em up...

Consistent when strung together

  • fa-arrow-circle-o-right
  • fa-caret-square-o-right
  • fa-hand-o-right