actin filaments
biceps muscle
myosin filaments
bundle of muscle fibers
muscle fiber
During a muscle contraction, which of the following shorten?
Muscle contraction occurs as sarcomeres shorten in a four-step process. At the start of the process, actin and myosin filaments are linked together, and the sarcomere is relaxed. Which of the following four steps occurs first?
During the “detach” step, has the sarcomere changed length?
Which of the following occurs after the “detach” step of sarcomere shortening?
During the “reach” step, has the sarcomere changed length?
Which of the following occurs after the “reach” step of sarcomere shortening?
During the “reattach” step, has the sarcomere changed length?
During the “pull back” step, has the sarcomere changed length?
True or False: Neither the actin nor myosin filaments changed length as the sarcomere went from a relaxed to a contracted state.
Muscle Contraction Summary