The specific rotations of the α and β anomers of D-xylose are +95 degrees and -22 degrees, respectively. When a sample of α-D-xylose is dissolved in water, the specific rotation reaches an equilibrium value of +19 degrees. What is the proportion of the β anomer at equilibrium?
(Questions 2 & 3) The specific rotations of the α and β anomers of a recently discovered sugar (sugarX) are +23.1 degrees and -23.1 degrees, respectively. When a sample of the α anomer of sugarX is dissolved in water, the specific rotation reaches an equilibrium value of +18.4 degrees.
What is the proportion of the β anomer of sugarX at equilibrium?
When the aldopentose monosaccharide D-lyxose is dissolved in water, it reaches an equilibrium composition of 75% α anomer and 25% β anomer, with an equilibrium specific rotation of -13.8 degrees. Pure α-D-lyxose has a specific rotation of +5.5 degrees. What is the specific rotation of β-D-lyxose?
At equilibrium, a solution of D-mannose is composed of 45.6% α anomer (specific rotation of +20.3) and 54.4% β anomer (specific rotation of -17). What is the specific rotation of the mixture at equilibrium?