Pollution & Activism: Questions


1. Article. Would you characterize Leyla Kokmen’s article as mostly informative, mostly persuasive, or something else? Why?

Chapter 13 - Pollution & Activism: Questions: 1. Article. Would you characterize Leyla Kokmen’s article as mostly informative, mostly persuasive, or something else? Why?

2. Speech. What are some of the rhetorical moves President Obama makes to sound like he is in charge of the situation in the Gulf of Mexico?

Chapter 13 - Pollution & Activism: Questions: 2. Speech. What are some of the rhetorical moves President Obama makes to sound like he is in charge of the situation in the Gulf of Mexico?

3. Billboard. What is the purpose of the Environmental Defense Fund’s billboard? How effective is it? How do the words and images work together to help the poster achieve its purpose? Do some images or words seem more effective to you than others? Explain.

Chapter 13 - Pollution & Activism: Questions: 3. Billboard. What is the purpose of the Environmental Defense Fund’s billboard? How effective is it? How do the words and images work together to help the poster achieve its purpose? Do some images or words seem more effective to you than others? Explain.

4. Billboard. Think about some of the places where billboards generally appear. What are some ways the design takes into account the contexts in which people generally view billboards? Notice that some words are large and some are small; some are in black, some in red, and some in white. How do the different type sizes and colors direct your attention? Why did the creators of this poster make these choices? How effective is the design, ultimately?

Chapter 13 - Pollution & Activism: Questions: 4. Billboard. Think about some of the places where billboards generally appear. What are some ways the design takes into account the contexts in which people generally view billboards? Notice that some words are large and some are small; some are in black, some in red, and some in white. How do the different type sizes and colors direct your attention? Why did the creators of this poster make these choices? How effective is the design, ultimately?

5. Complaint letter. What rhetorical strategies does the Credo Action letter use to try to persuade the federal Bureau of Land Management?

Chapter 13 - Pollution & Activism: Questions: 5. Complaint letter. What rhetorical strategies does the Credo Action letter use to try to persuade the federal Bureau of Land Management?


6. Write a letter to the editor. According to Kokmen, the environmental justice movement connects better wages and healthcare to “green” rights. Write a letter to the editor of Utne Reader (the magazine where Kokmen’s article was published) in which you explain why you agree or disagree with this argument.

Chapter 13 - Pollution & Activism: Questions: 6. Write a letter to the editor. According to Kokmen, the environmental justice movement connects better wages and healthcare to “green” rights. Write a letter to the editor of Utne Reader (the magazine where Kokmen’s article was published) in which you explain why you agree or disagree with this argument.

7. Research and follow up on claims. Research some of the claims that President Obama makes in his speech about actions he said the government would take to deal with the BP oil spill. To what degree did his administration follow through as he promised?

Chapter 13 - Pollution & Activism: Questions: 7. Research and follow up on claims. Research some of the claims that President Obama makes in his speech about actions he said the government would take to deal with the BP oil spill. To what degree did his administration follow through as he promised?

8. Create a poster campaign. Go to the site for the Environmental Defense Fund and research their various projects. Identify one that interests you and create a poster campaign that seeks to persuade others to take interest and action.

Chapter 13 - Pollution & Activism: Questions: 8. Create a poster campaign. Go to the site for the Environmental Defense Fund and research their various projects. Identify one that interests you and create a poster campaign that seeks to persuade others to take interest and action.

9. Design protest placards. Design a series of signs protesting an environmental injustice that you see in your community or in the larger context of the United States. Be sure to make a clear, strong argument, one in which you include a striking visual, if that will help you impact your audience.

Chapter 13 - Pollution & Activism: Questions: 9. Design protest placards. Design a series of signs protesting an environmental injustice that you see in your community or in the larger context of the United States. Be sure to make a clear, strong argument, one in which you include a striking visual, if that will help you impact your audience.

10. Research the impact of cars on global warming. Find out how different scientists or organizations measure the effects of global warming attributed to cars. You may decide to focus on car manufacturing or on car driving. Is there consensus or disagreement on the role cars play in global warming?

Chapter 13 - Pollution & Activism: Questions: 10. Research the impact of cars on global warming. Find out how different scientists or organizations measure the effects of global warming attributed to cars. You may decide to focus on car manufacturing or on car driving. Is there consensus or disagreement on the role cars play in global warming?

11. Research cleaner air solutions. Research different solutions large cities have implemented to reduce traffic congestion or its side effects such as environmental and health impacts. Present your findings and a billboard outlining your recommendation for what your own town or city could do.

Chapter 13 - Pollution & Activism: Questions: 11. Research cleaner air solutions. Research different solutions large cities have implemented to reduce traffic congestion or its side effects such as environmental and health impacts. Present your findings and a billboard outlining your recommendation for what your own town or city could do.

12. Research environmental quality in various neighborhoods. Research the environmental situations of some of the poor and wealthy neighborhoods in your area. To what degree is Kokmen’s claim that the poor and nonwhite disproportionately bear the burden of toxic environments borne out in your area?

Chapter 13 - Pollution & Activism: Questions: 12. Research environmental quality in various neighborhoods. Research the environmental situations of some of the poor and wealthy neighborhoods in your area. To what degree is Kokmen’s claim that the poor and nonwhite disproportionately bear the burden of toxic environments borne out in your area?