Questions: Analyzing “Stay-at-Home Dad”’s personal statement

  1. Purpose. What qualities does the author illustrate to show—and persuade—readers that he is an excellent applicant for law school? Is he convincing? Why or why not?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing “Stay-at-Home Dad”’s personal statement: Purpose. What qualities does the author illustrate to show—and persuade—readers that he is an excellent applicant for law school? Is he convincing? Why or why not?
  2. Audience. Which paragraph contains the most important information for the admissions committee? Why?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing “Stay-at-Home Dad”’s personal statement: Audience. Which paragraph contains the most important information for the admissions committee? Why?
  3. Rhetorical appeals. How does “Stay-at-Home Dad” use his intellect and professional experiences to establish his credibility?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing “Stay-at-Home Dad”’s personal statement: Rhetorical appeals. How does “Stay-at-Home Dad” use his intellect and professional experiences to establish his credibility?
  4. Rhetorical appeals. How does the author emphasize his compassionate side to appeal to his readers’ emotions? Is this an effective strategy? Why or why not?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing “Stay-at-Home Dad”’s personal statement: Rhetorical appeals. How does the author emphasize his compassionate side to appeal to his readers’ emotions? Is this an effective strategy? Why or why not?
  5. Modes & media. If it were appropriate to include a visual as part of a personal statement, what visual would you recommend to accompany this personal statement? Why?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing “Stay-at-Home Dad”’s personal statement: Modes & media. If it were appropriate to include a visual as part of a personal statement, what visual would you recommend to accompany this personal statement? Why?
  6. Elements of the genre. How does “Stay-at-home Dad” make his personal statement unique and authentic? What makes his statement stand out to an admissions committee?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing “Stay-at-Home Dad”’s personal statement: Elements of the genre. How does “Stay-at-home Dad” make his personal statement unique and authentic? What makes his statement stand out to an admissions committee?
  7. Elements of the genre. The author tells a variety of stories throughout his personal statement. Are there any stories that are not adequately developed? Are there any stories that don’t support his case? Why?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing “Stay-at-Home Dad”’s personal statement: Elements of the genre. The author tells a variety of stories throughout his personal statement. Are there any stories that are not adequately developed? Are there any stories that don’t support his case? Why?
  8. Style. How does the writer’s use of language support the case (or not) that he is law school material?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing “Stay-at-Home Dad”’s personal statement: Style. How does the writer’s use of language support the case (or not) that he is law school material?
  9. Design. If you were to design this personal statement for viewing on the Web, what changes would you make? What items would you hyperlink?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing “Stay-at-Home Dad”’s personal statement: Design. If you were to design this personal statement for viewing on the Web, what changes would you make? What items would you hyperlink?
  10. Sources. In this personal statement, the author does not include specifics about the law school he is applying to, and he does not connect his own experiences directly with any of their programs. Why do you think he made this decision? How might he have connected his own experiences with specific qualities and values of Penn’s law school (and what the committee is looking for in terms of applicants)?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing “Stay-at-Home Dad”’s personal statement: Sources. In this personal statement, the author does not include specifics about the law school he is applying to, and he does not connect his own experiences directly with any of their programs. Why do you think he made this decision? How might he have connected his own experiences with specific qualities and values of Penn’s law school (and what the committee is looking for in terms of applicants)?