Questions: Analyzing Ebert’s film review

  1. Purpose. What evidence does Ebert use to convince the reader to see Ratatouille? How convincing is his argument?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing Ebert’s film review: Purpose. What evidence does Ebert use to convince the reader to see Ratatouille? How convincing is his argument?
  2. Audience. Who is the primary audience that Ebert addresses in his review? Use specifics from the review to support your answer.

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing Ebert’s film review: Audience. Who is the primary audience that Ebert addresses in his review? Use specifics from the review to support your answer.
  3. Rhetorical appeals. What are some ways Ebert establishes his ethos? How is it evident that he is an experienced film reviewer?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing Ebert’s film review: Rhetorical appeals. What are some ways Ebert establishes his ethos? How is it evident that he is an experienced film reviewer?
  4. Rhetorical appeals. Ebert uses some humor to make his case. Is this an effective strategy to use in his film review? Why or why not?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing Ebert’s film review: Rhetorical appeals. Ebert uses some humor to make his case. Is this an effective strategy to use in his film review? Why or why not?
  5. Modes & media. Ebert’s review includes a still from the movie. How does that contribute to your reading of the review? After reading the review, are there other visuals that you wish Ebert had chosen to accompany the text? Explain.

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing Ebert’s film review: Modes & media. Ebert’s review includes a still from the movie. How does that contribute to your reading of the review? After reading the review, are there other visuals that you wish Ebert had chosen to accompany the text? Explain.
  6. Elements of the genre. Ebert does not overtly state his evaluation until the end. Are there places prior to the end that give you a sense of the writer’s judgment of the film?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing Ebert’s film review: Elements of the genre. Ebert does not overtly state his evaluation until the end. Are there places prior to the end that give you a sense of the writer’s judgment of the film?
  7. Elements of the genre. What is the impact of Ebert’s references to previous films of the director?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing Ebert’s film review: Elements of the genre. What is the impact of Ebert’s references to previous films of the director?
  8. Style. How does Ebert’s inclusion of specific quotes of dialogue make his case for going to see the film? Do the quotes give you a better sense of character or plot? Or do they give you an equal sense of both?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing Ebert’s film review: Style. How does Ebert’s inclusion of specific quotes of dialogue make his case for going to see the film? Do the quotes give you a better sense of character or plot? Or do they give you an equal sense of both?
  9. Design. Before you read the review, you know that Ebert has given the film four stars. How does this affect your reading of the review? Does he show you why he has given the film four stars? Why or why not?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing Ebert’s film review: Design. Before you read the review, you know that Ebert has given the film four stars. How does this affect your reading of the review? Does he show you why he has given the film four stars? Why or why not?
  10. Sources. Ebert uses references from France in his review. Were you familiar with these references? How do these references give you a sense of the film?

    Chapter 4 - Questions: Analyzing Ebert’s film review: Sources. Ebert uses references from France in his review. Were you familiar with these references? How do these references give you a sense of the film?