Challenge Yourself to Do Your Best

Units end with a post-test designed to show what you’ve learned. If your instructor has assigned the post-test, look back through your work in this unit in order to prepare for it.

  1. Watch the video again from the unit’s introduction.
  2. Revisit your pre-test results, if applicable.
    1. Look at the questions you missed. Can you now say in your own words why that answer option was incorrect?
    2. The correct answer option is shown for the questions you missed as well as the questions you got right. Can you now say in your own words why each is correct?
  3. Review your LearningCurve results.
    1. The correct answer option is shown for the questions you missed as well as the questions you got right. Can you now say in your own words why each is correct?
    2. Review the study pages for the sections where your percentage fell below 75%.

By following these study guidelines, you will be well-prepared to succeed on the post-test.

If you score well on the post-test, congratulations! Your studying has helped you improve your skills. You are one step closer to mastery!

If you score poorly on the post-test, you need additional help with the skill. Make an appointment in the Writing Center or with your instructor.