Watch the Video Introduction

The unit introduction offers a quick overview of the topic with a short video. The videos explain the concepts simply.

Pay close attention to the video. The grammar videos should help you hear and see sentences differently.

The title of the image is “Fix #1: Attach Fragment to Previous Sentence”.

In many videos, such as this one on fragments, the example sentences are color-coded so that you notice subjects and verbs. Subjects are in purple and are underlined once. Verbs are in green and are underlined twice. Other terms are emphasized too, but being able to see the subject and verb in every sentence is fundamental to developing your skills as a reader and writer.

After watching the videos, try to imagine sentences you are reading with the color-coding and mark-up you’ve seen in the video. When you look at sentences in the study pages, LearningCurve questions, and in your own writing in this way, you’ll improve your proofreading skills.