What’s in LaunchPad Solo for Research and Reference?


LaunchPad Solo for Research and Reference is packed with digital content that works with your textbook to help you sharpen your ability to read analytically and write successfully in first-year composition and in your coursework across campus. Whether your instructor assigns the resources in LaunchPad or encourages you to work with the material at your own pace, we’re confident that LaunchPad will help you develop the skills you need to succeed in college and beyond. For help using LaunchPad, please join the College Students Support Community or contact Tech Support. You can find Tech Support contact information by clicking “Help” in the upper right corner of your screen.

Interactive content and tutorials

LaunchPad Solo for Research and Reference includes several kinds of interactive multimodal content specifically designed to complement your research or reference print textbook—either In Conversation: A Writer’s Guidebook, by Mike Palmquist and Barbara Wallraff, or The Bedford Researcher, by Mike Palmquist. You’ll find engaging Writer to Writer videos, where Mike and Barbara help students troubleshoot thorny writing problems; interactive activities that sharpen your skills building citations, annotating bibliographies, and incorporating sources; student writing and professional models in many genres and disciplines, and much more.

In addition, you’ll find helpful tutorials on topics such as reading critically, working with and citing sources, and using digital writing tools.



Developed in light of the latest advances in learning research, LearningCurve is a game-like adaptive quizzing program that covers topics from grammar and usage to reading critically and argument. The less you know about a topic, the more LearningCurve focuses on it, and the better you do, the more challenging the questions become, helping you concentrate on exactly what you need to learn.
