Getting Started with LaunchPad

In order to familiarize yourself with LaunchPad, see how it works, and know what it contains, you should visit our College Students Support Community or review the contents of support topics for LaunchPad. If your instructor has assigned it, you can test your understanding by taking the brief Getting Started quiz included in this unit (if assigned by your instructor). The quiz will show you how to use and navigate LaunchPad and then allow you to check your understanding. We hope you enjoy all the features and content that LaunchPad offers! Enjoy and good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions about LaunchPad

Here are some of the most popular questions students ask when they’re first learning how to use LaunchPad. We’ve provided links to additional support with screenshots to help you get up and running!

How Do I Navigate LaunchPad?

The LaunchPad table of contents includes your e-Book and additional content to help you master the course material, including LearningCurve adaptive quizzing. You can browse this material by expanding each LaunchPad unit. If you want to explore just the e-Book, click the e-Book button on the left-hand menu. For additional help navigating LaunchPad, see Navigating LaunchPad.

How Do I Find My LaunchPad Assignments?

Your instructor may assign work for you to complete. In LaunchPad, assignments always appear at the top of the homepage, ordered by due date. For more information about LaunchPad assignments, see Where do I get my assignments?

You can also access unassigned resources in LaunchPad. Learn how by reading How do I find unassigned resources in LaunchPad?

How Do I Track My Progress in LaunchPad?

LaunchPad gives you the opportunity to actively monitor your learning. If your instructor has assigned material in a unit, you can easily monitor your progress toward completing that unit. The LaunchPad gradebook records your grades as well as your instructor’s feedback. Each LearningCurve activity allows you to pinpoint exactly which topics you may be struggling with most. For more information on using the LaunchPad gradebook, see How can I use the gradebook to track my progress?

What is LearningCurve? How does it work?

Your LaunchPad includes LearningCurve activities, game-like quizzing that adapts to your needs based on your performance. You can use LearningCurve to help you prepare for class or review material after class. LearningCurve includes reports that show you what areas of the course you understand well, and where you should continue to study. To learn more, see How does LearningCurve work?